Lion's Gate Portal 2024: How to Manifest on August 8?

The Lion's Gate Portal, significant in ancient Egyptian culture, peaked on August 8, 2024, when the Spiritual Sun Sirius, Earthly Sun, Orion's Belt, and Earth aligned. This event is believed to send substantial spiritual light to Earth, offering a powerful time to manifest goals and attract divine energy. The portal remains open from late July to August 12 annually.

Lion's Gate Portal 2024: How to Manifest on August 8?

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Lions Gate Portal is something which is associated with ancient times, particularly with Egypt. Star Sirius , which is also known as Spiritual Sun holds a great significance among Egyptians. Lion's Gate Portal happens, when Spiritual Sun Sirius, Earthly Sun, Orion's Belt and Earth are in perfect alignment. This event sends massive amount of spiritual light to earth.

Lion's Gate Portal was on its peak on August 8, 2024 . So this was a great opportunity for the people, who want to manifest and utilize this time for attracting divine energy.
Why is it called Lion's Gate?
The Earthly Sun is also in the sign of Leo during the opening of the portal and Leo sign is the ruler of Lion's Gate Portal.
When Lion's Gate Portal Opens?

Each year, the portal opens in the late July month and it remains open till August 12. August 8 is considered the date when the energy of Lions Gate is most potent and if we see things as per Numerology, then we can say that it happens on 8th day of the 8th month.
Now if we talk about the year 2024, then you can say 8:8 (August) :8(2+0+2+4 = 8). 8 is the the number of power, abundance and prosperity and it also represents Saturn.
Spiritual Significance of Lion's Gate Portal

On this auspicious day, the earth aligns with Sirius as our spiritual sun. This alignment opens a gateway of energy, allowing heightened spiritual vibrations and deeper connections to the universe. This is a powerful time to manifest and connect with the universal life force energy. This lions gate is the powerful time to manifest goals and desires, make it a deal for attracting abundance and positive change. These energies facilitates healing. This is a time for releasing the pas traumas, old patterns and anything that no longer serves you and look for the new beginnings.
How to manifest during Lion's Gate Portal?
1. Set Clear Intentions: Reflect on your desires, make a journal and write them on a paper.
2. Meditate: Visualize your goals with a bright light from sirius filling you with divine energy.
3. Gratitude: Express your gratitude for what you have and what's coming your way.
4. Ritual: Light a candle, use crystals like quartz and speak your intentions aloud.
5. Creative Expression: Make vision boards, write about your goals or channel your energy into an art.
6. Trust the process: Release attachment and maintain a positive mindset. One must trust this whole process if you want to make this happen into reality.
7. Light a candle: You should find a quiet place where you can light a candle and meditate on the things what you want in life. an also you can use this time fore releasing all the bad energy.
8. Moon Light: One should sit under a moonlight for a while and receive the blessings coming to you and you can manifest your goals, wishes, and desires.