Ace Learning Centres

Things you never knew about your child's Reading Age and how to measure it.

Things you never knew about your child's Reading Age and how to measure it.

Many parents may have come across the term 'Reading Age' during parent-teacher meetings at school or while browsing educational websites on the internet. But like most parents, did you ever try to find out what does that actually mean? How is it measured? How can it help your child? What can you do to improve your child's Reading Age?

Schools up and down the country are trying to voluntory (not a spelling mistake - it's a made-up word and is a combination of words 'voluntary' and 'mandatory') encouraging parents to read books to their children daily until they become independent readers. Still, the recent news concluded that only half of the children are read to. This could be due to many factors but let's not worry about it for the moment and stick to the main topic - The Reading Age.