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Customer Satisfaction Survey Templates and Examples


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Customer satisfaction surveys

Product Satisfaction Survey Template

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The product satisfaction survey template collects customer feedback data on product usage. It can be used to evaluate customer experience and identify improvement areas in your products. Based on the data collected, gain insights into their expectations and benchmarks.

Use our free product satisfaction questionnaire to learn how likely are customers to buy products from your company. Check if they would recommend your product to their friends or colleagues.

These sample product satisfaction survey questions are ready to be used in your online surveys. You can also customize them as per your needs.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey Template

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This customer satisfaction survey example is designed for a complete CSAT evaluation and measurement of your consumer's satisfaction levels with 2o+ unique questions to measure Net Promoter Score, Customer Effort Score, CSAT, customer service satisfaction, etc.

Use this sample questionnaire and start increasing customer retention score. Gain interesting insights from customer recommendations for your products and services. You can customize our customer satisfaction survey questionnaire for free based on your needs.

Retail Store Evaluation Survey Template

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Retail store survey template to collect customer feedback on various aspects of the store. This sample questionnaire template includes critical store evaluation questions to consumers, such as location, inventory, customer service, merchandise pricing, value for money, and overall customer satisfaction. Use this store feedback template and grow your business with real customer insights.

Customer Service Survey Template

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This customer service survey questions template consists of multiple questions that evaluate the level of service that a customer receives while interacting with a brand.

The customer service team is one of the essential factors as feedback is to be collected. It is known that it is much more expensive to acquire a customer rather than retain a customer; hence, customer feedback is vital. This survey template was created by industry experts who understand the importance and value of collecting feedback.

Conducting a customer service survey provides in-depth feedback about customers and their perception of the brand and maps out areas of the business that need fortifying upon and alternatively also where work is required.

Seminar Purchase Motivation Survey Template

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This seminar purchase motivation survey template helps organizers know the intention of registrants. Check what seminars they have attended in the past and if they plan to attend again in the future. Learn why did they buy tickets and how did they hear about the seminar.

Collect feedback from attendees and gain insights on how you can improve the seminar content and arrangements further. This sample seminar purchase motivation questionnaire can be customized as per your needs.

Organizational Concern Survey Template

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Health Care survey of organizational concern for patient satisfaction.

Service Quality Evaluation Survey Template

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These precisely drafted service quality survey questions collect feedback and insights that help in making important business decisions to improve service quality. This sample questionnaire comprises of comprehensive, expert-designed questions targeted to measure service quality and evaluate customer service experience. It includes the executive's expertise in understanding the problem, identifying causes, and resolving concerns on time.

According to Customer Thermometer, 96% of consumers say customer service is an important factor to choose a brand. Use this survey template and start evaluating and taking measures to improve service quality based on real customer feedback.

Short Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey Template

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The short customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey template offers a short and simplistic but powerful method to measure customer satisfaction. It contains questions in a form of a questionnaire that help measure the level of satisfaction that a customer has with a product or service and the frequency of use along with the referencability of the product or service.

Auto Purchase/ Lease Satisfaction Survey Template

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Auto Purchase/ Lease Satisfaction Survey Template provides researchers a set of 25 questions which can be customized to gain insights about a customer’s purchasing experience. The automobile industry thrives on customer satisfaction and each automobile retailer ensures that their customers are content with the offered services. A sample questionnaire such as this one can be used to obtain information about whether the customers had a satisfactory visit or not, the quality of provided test drive, demographic details etc.

Purchasing an automobile is one of the basic necessities across the globe. Whether it is a student or a person going to a regular job or even just a parent, an automobile is one of is required to commute between destinations.

The Automobile sector is segregated in various classes namely the common passenger vehicles, the transport vehicles and the luxury vehicles. A purchase of an automobile is based on factors such as price, brand value, specifications but most importantly it’s service provided after the purchase. Service is one of the most prominent sectors when it comes to customer experience. It is very vital to know the manufacturer’s dedication towards providing service before purchasing a vehicle. It is something that plays a considerable role in the buying decision as to ease of access to service, tie ups with accessory manufacturers, orientation towards customer service etc.

An automobile buyer always does his research thoroughly considering all the factors and as a manufacturer, it is always profitable to give out relevant information and coax a consumer towards a purchase with your brand even before questions are forthcoming.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template

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Use our free Net Promoter Score survey questions template to know if your customers are likely to refer your company to their friends or colleagues. Classify your customers into promoters, passives and detractors and take actions before you lose them. Collect customer satisfaction data and gain insights into customer experience.

The sample NPS questionnaire collects quick feedback and has open-ended questions to enable customers explain the reasons for their rating. They can also share their comments, concerns or suggestions to help you improve your products and services.

You can also customize this NPS survey template to suit your needs. It is ready to be used in your customer surveys and help you grow your business.

QuestionPro : Retail Store Evaluation Survey Template

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Retail store survey questions to collect customer feedback on various aspects of the store. This sample questionnaire template includes critical store evaluation questions to consumers, such as location, inventory, customer service, merchandise pricing, value for money and overall customer satisfaction. Use this store survey and grow your business with real customer insights.

Business Survey Questions

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Business survey questions is a questionnaire to gather information about how satisfied the customer is with your business.

This survey aims to identify what challenges are faced by customers while shopping at your business place, online or offline and help you understand what can be improved. Business surveys are very critical for every business.

Following are the questions to gather information about customer satisfaction and customer opinions.

Customer Loss Survey

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Customer loss survey questions is a questionnaire to understand the reasons why a customer has left your business. This survey template aims to identify the reasons that influenced the customer to leave your business and to uncover the factors, where improvement can be done to reduce customer churn.

Such a survey can enable businesses to understand common characteristics and sentiments of this population and hence try to improve certain areas which can help them win those customers back.

Following are the questions to gather information about the factors that influence a customer to leave.

User Satisfaction Survey

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User satisfaction survey questions is a questionnaire to understand how satisfied a customer is with the product/service they are using. This survey aims to identify the perceptions of the users with regards to their experience while using the product/service. Such a survey can enable businesses to understand views of the users about their product/service and hence try to improve certain areas which can help them to keep these customers loyal and may be even promote it.

User satisfaction is as an important attribute that is extracted from a product or service after its usage. Nowadays the competition in the market for all kinds of businesses is increasing and hence, all businesses have to keep up with the competition to keep their users satisfied. According to the local consumer survey, 92% of the users trust recommendations made by a family or friend. 93% of the respondents stated they turn to online reviews to decide if the product/service is good. Word of mouth is considered to be a key influencer by 74% of this audience. Such recommendations or reviews are achieved only if the user is satisfied with the product/service. It is said that experience is going to be the key differentiator by 2020, not the price or the product but how satisfied a customer is going to be with the experience provided. Hence a user satisfaction sample survey template can be helpful for businesses to stay ahead in the game and build those loyal customer and may be even brand ambassadors.

Following are the questions to gather perceptions of the user about the product/service and their level of satisfaction.

Coronavirus B2C Pulse Survey Template

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Use this free B2C pulse survey template to understand the impacts of the COVID -19 crisis on your customers. Identify how the expectations and behavior of your customers have changed over the past few weeks. Collect data and gain insights into customer choices and preferences. Analyze their buying patterns and formulate a sales and marketing strategy to better connect with them. Identify risks and keep uncertainty at bay with a detailed analysis of survey results. This sample B2C survey template is ready-to-use and can help you gather primary data for your Coronavirus related market research. Customize the free questionnaire to meet your specific needs.

B2B pulse survey template for the coronavirus pandemic

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This B2B customer pulse survey template consists of questions your business-to-business brand can use to engage with your customers in the time of this pandemic. While the global economy has been affected by coronavirus, use this sample questionnaire to understand how the global slowdown has impacted your consumers and customers. Learn how your products or services are used at this time. Uncover engagement challenges for your brand and make tweaks to better service and retain customers.

Keeping customers loyal during this time is imperative, and this pulse survey can help you unlock insights about your B2B customers. Make instant and positive changes to reduce your customer churn rate and ensure a higher satisfaction level with your brand. Reduce the impact that COVID-19 has had on your customers with higher customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction surveys typically consist of questions that focus on various aspects of the customer's experience with the business, such as product quality, customer service, pricing, and convenience. The questions can be open-ended, multiple-choice, or on a Likert scale. The survey aims to understand how customers perceive the business, identify areas for improvement, and gather insights on how to enhance the customer experience.

What is Customer Satisfaction Survey?

A customer satisfaction survey is a survey process to collect customer feedback about their products, services, and overall experience with the company. The survey typically consists of a series of questions that ask customers to rate their satisfaction with various aspects of the company, such as the quality of its products, the level of customer service, the ease of doing business with the company, and so on.

Customer satisfaction surveys can be conducted through various channels, including online, phone, and in-person interviews. The survey results are typically analyzed to create an action plan for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why need Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys are a powerful way for businesses to understand how customers feel about their services or products. Here are some benefits of which companies can use customer satisfaction surveys:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Customer satisfaction surveys can help businesses identify areas where they need to improve their products or services. Companies can pinpoint specific pain points by asking customers about their experiences and working to address them.
  • Measure customer loyalty: Customer satisfaction surveys can also help businesses measure customer loyalty. Companies can gauge customer loyalty and make improvements if necessary by asking customers how likely they are to recommend the product or service to others.
  • Monitor customer satisfaction over time: By conducting customer satisfaction surveys at regular intervals, businesses can track changes in customer satisfaction over time. It can help them identify trends and adjust their products or services accordingly.
  • Improve customer retention: Businesses can increase customer retention rates by addressing customer concerns and improving satisfaction levels. It can lead to repeat business and referrals, ultimately increasing revenue.
  • Gain a competitive advantage: Customer satisfaction surveys can also help businesses gain a competitive advantage. By understanding what their customers want and need, companies can tailor their products or services to meet those needs, which can help them stand out from their competitors.
  • Types of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

    Companies can use several types of customer satisfaction surveys to measure customer satisfaction. Here are some common types:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey: This survey asks customers to rate the likelihood of recommending the service or product to others on a scale of 0-10.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Survey: This type of survey asks customers to rate their satisfaction with the product or service on a scale of 1-5 or 1-10. The CSAT score is defined by taking the average of all the responses.
  • Customer Effort Score (CES) Survey: This type of survey asks customers to rate the ease of using the product or service on a scale of 1-5 or 1-7. The CES score is calculated by taking the average of all the responses.
  • Customer Experience (CX) Survey: This type of survey asks customers about their overall experience with the business, including interactions with customer service, the quality of the product or service, and any other relevant factors.
  • Post-Purchase Survey: This type of survey is sent to customers after they have made a purchase and asks them about their experience with the buying process, including ease of purchase, delivery, and other relevant factors.
  • In-App Survey: This type of survey is conducted within an application or website and asks customers about their experience using the product or service.
  • Benefits of Customer Satisfaction Surveys templates

    Using customer satisfaction survey templates can offer several benefits to businesses, including:

    Customer satisfaction survey templates can help businesses consistently, efficiently, and accurately gather valuable customer feedback. It can ultimately lead to better customer experiences and improved business performance.

    Top 16 Customer satisfaction survey templates and sample questionnaires

    Using QuestionPro's customer satisfaction survey templates and survey questions, you can track and measure how satisfied your existing customers are with your business, brand, and customer initiatives. These client satisfaction survey questions help ensure a higher survey completion and response rate by using online surveys for your market research.

    Our CSAT questionnaires are designed by experts and you can use them to conduct online customer surveys right away. You can also customize these readymade online customer survey templates to suit your requirements and research focus. Use these online CSAT questionnaires and take strides towards improving your customer experience, customer satisfaction, and customer service initiatives. Start measuring customer satisfaction today with a variety of question types including Net Promoter Score NPS question, open ended questions, Likert scale questions, and a lot more. Analyze reports in real time and make important business decisions today!

    Most popular customer satisfaction survey templates for 2023

    1. Short Customer Satisfaction Survey Template

    How often do your customers use your products or services? Are they likely to be repeat customers? With only four key questions, this simplified yet precise survey covers the most critical customer satisfaction metrics, from the frequency of a customer’s engagement with a product/service to their satisfaction with usability, their likelihood of re-purchase or continued use, and most importantly — their likelihood of recommending your product to others.

    2. Product Satisfaction Survey Template

    Find out how your customers really feel about your products, beyond the online reviews and conversion rate. Is there a specific feature that your customers collectively expect more from? What are the correlations between your product features and customer satisfaction? Our top 11 customer satisfaction survey questions for products evaluate everything from the customer service experience to product use satisfaction, process evaluation, etc. Get actionable feedback about how your customers actually use your products, their experience during the customer journey with your business, and more.

    3. Product Evaluation Template:

    Dig deeper into a 360 evaluation of your product with a complete product evaluation survey. From collecting actionable insights on company feedback, customer service, ratings, your products, and your customer’s intent of returning, these customer survey questions focus on measuring your customer’s levels of satisfaction throughout their entire purchase journey. Determine if there are any common deterrents, pre- or post-sales, that prevent customers from completing their purchase.

    4. Motivation and Buying Experience

    Understanding your customers’ motivations is integral to driving conversions and accelerating sales. Created by industry experts, these customer service survey questions focus on the “what” that drives your customers to complete purchases. Get in-depth answers about your strengths and weaknesses in regard to your product development, sales, support, and entire eco-system of sales and post-sales customer satisfaction.

    5. Retail Store Evaluation Survey Template

    Your customers are key to your retail growth, whether you’re selling online or offline. Collect customer feedback on various aspects of your retail store with our sample customer survey questions. This sample questionnaire template includes critical store evaluation questions such as location, inventory, customer service, merchandise pricing, value for money, and overall customer satisfaction. This template asks consumers 12 key questions using a single matrix survey question.


    QuestionPro creates a seamless survey experience for businesses and customers alike. Understanding exactly what your customers think is vital to improving your products, services, brand image, and for standing out in a competitive industry. Sign up for free and get access to templates, questionnaires, and actionable insights.