Are you graduating from high school and earning an AA or earning college credit hours concurrently?
Join us online for an exclusive information session on DirectConnect to UCF covering topics on dual enrollment and first time in college (FTIC) students. Learn what guaranteed admission is all about. In this interactive information session, ask questions, and find out what you need to know to make your transition to UCF easy.
DirectConnect to UCF guarantees admission (consistent with university policy) to UCF with an associate degree (A.A.) or articulated (A.S.) degree from one of our partner state colleges.
of Florida logo" width="200" height="110" />
Valencia College logo" width="200" height="98" />
step 1 connect. seek A.A. or articulated A.S. from UCF partner institution" width="521" height="1024" />
Access our resource center as you navigate your path to connect, transfer, and graduate from UCF. Here you will find:
Are you graduating from high school and earning an AA or earning college credit hours concurrently? Join us online for an exclusive information session on DirectConnect to UCF covering topics on dual enrollment and first time in college (FTIC) and…
Sep 12 2:00 pmJoin us for Transfer Talk Thursdays and discover the path to becoming an orientation leader. Learn how to apply with the First-Year Team! Orientation Leaders are passionate about helping UCF students and their supporters while getting paid! In this session,…
Sep 17 1:00 pmFinding a career path can be a struggle. You may feel lost when finding your interests or need clarification about what you want to do most. Join us in this virtual interactive session and discover your interests and pathway to…
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